Leadership & Administration

Governance, Leadership and Management

The Vision, Mission and philosophy of the Institution are in tune with the objectives and policies of Higher Education in India. The Institution follows a participatory governance model where in delegation and decentralization of authority to competent functionaries and committees is made for effective and efficient management to enhance stakeholder engagement and satisfaction.

The Institution has a perspective plan for its development. The future requirements of infrastructure, human resources, finance are envisaged at the meetings of the Governing Body, which formulates the action plan. The regular meetings of all the stakeholders are recorded and the resolutions are placed before the Governing Body for perusal. The Governing Body meets periodically to discuss on planning and execution of various academic and administrative activities. The other statutory bodies also meet and discuss the implementation of the resolutions passed.

The Management, Principal, Deans and Heads of Departments constantly interact and motivate members of faculty, administrative and supporting staff on issues relating to academic progress, administrative transparency and quality measures that are being implemented in the Institution. Academic and Administrative units work in coordination to achieve quality.

Organization Chart